Our Charity for REMAX Puerto Vallarta


We are so proud to be able to have Corazon de Nina as our corporate charity!


The primary driver, creator and support is Melissa, who came here several years ago from Victoria, after an extremely successful real estate career.


She saw a need and created the foundation, which is completely based upon donations.  Those donations include money, clothing to be re-sold in their store, tools that allow the young persons to learn trades and self-respect, etc.


My site for them is just under construction, so please be patient while I get it fully informative and functional.


The website is:  http://www.fundacioncorazon.mx


Email is:    [email protected]


Their Facebook page is:     https://www.facebook.com/pg/CorazonDeNinaPv


Fundacion Corazón de Niña  A.C. is a registered not-for-profit organization of Mexico that provides a nurturing family environment for at-risk girls and boys of all ages.

At present we have fifty six children and youth (as of May 2018).

We have two homes in Puerto Vallarta - one for the girls and one next door for the boys.

At present, Corazon de Nina is the only residential resource for girls over the age of twelve in Puerto Vallarta.


To provide a loving, nurturing and safe home for at-risk children where they can realize their full potential as happy, confident, fulfilled human beings.


Our philosophy involves a steadfast belief that security, love, values and knowledge are essential to the development of a well-balanced adult. To this end, we provide a home in which our young people are appreciated and loved for who they are, and supported to be all they can be. Our job, like the job of every good parent, is to provide an environment in which a child can grow with security, love, values and knowledge to become a healthy, confident, self-reliant person and thus break the cycle of poverty and abuse.

Corazon de Nina is entirely dependent on its loyal supporters for funding. We receive no stipends from local, state and/or federal governments.